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科学百姓 姜涛 scitizen-editor@outlook.com 2020.10.10

2020年10月8日,离总统选举26天,川普总统今天在狐狸台(Fox News)电话访谈,要求逮捕起诉奥巴马和拜登。称美国选举制度的作弊的问题,比中国和俄国的问题还大的多。


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主持人:Here is, you don't have to be shocked. The analysis is, this is incredibly dangerous. Here is the president of the United States calling for the arrest of Joe Biden. 我们来看看,观众朋友们不要震惊。这是一个极其危险的情形。这是美利坚合众国总统要求逮捕乔治•拜登。

He lashes out at Wray, Pompeo as well. Take a listen. 总统还猛批(联邦调查局)芮局长和国务卿蓬佩奥。请听总统访谈录音。

川普:Unless Bil Barr indicts these people for crimes, the greatest political crimes in the history of our country. Then we are going to get little satisfaction unless I win. We'll just have to go, because I won't forget it. 除非(司法部长)巴尔法办这些犯罪者 —— 这些我国历史上最严重的政治罪行,除非是我赢了选举,否则我们不会满意的。我们只好继续,因为我不会作罢的。

But these people should be indicted. These are the greatest political crimes in the history of our country. And that includes Obama, and it includes Biden. And these are people that spied on my campaign, and we have everything. 但是这些人应该被起诉。这些是我国历史上最严重的政治罪行。罪犯包括奥巴马,包括拜登。他们监视我的竞选活动,我们有确凿证据。

主持人:Address Christopher Wray, will you replace him in a second term? 谈谈联邦调查局芮局长。你会在连任后撤他职吗?

川普:Well, I don't want to say that yet. He has been disappointing. He talks about, you know, even the voting thing, like he doesn't see the voting ballots as a problem. There are thousands of ballots right there, you pick up any paper in the country practically, and they are cheating all over the place on the ballots. How is that not a problem? That's a much bigger problem than China and Russia. 这个嘛, 我不想现在就这么说.他让我失望。你知道,他甚至谈论邮寄投票的事,就像他不知道邮寄投票是一个问题似的。有成千上万的邮寄选票, 你随便看几乎我国的任何报纸,都可以看到广泛的邮寄投票作弊。芮局长肿么可以说不存在问题呢?分明是一个比中国和俄国还大的多的问题。

译者注:联邦调查局芮局长 2020年9月24日在参议院作证时报告:“在美国历史上,不论是用邮寄选票还是用其它方式选举,从未看到过在一次重要选举中,存在任何形式的全国协同的选民作弊的情况。” 川普总统对芮局长这个证词尤为不满,因为芮局长的说法直接跟川普总统要美国人民相信美国的邮寄选票系统存在严重广泛的作弊的意图不符合。

(关于克林顿夫人希拉里,川普接着批评国务卿蓬佩奥)33,000 email she got, forget about what was on the emails. It's irrelevant. although many of them were classified, highly classified. You'd go to jail for that. But they are in the State Department. But mike Pompeo has been unable to get them out, which is very sad. Actually, I'm not happy about him for that. He was unable - I don't know why. You are running the same department, get them out. 她有3万3千邮件,先不管邮件写了什么内容。虽然许多邮件是机密级别,高度机密。管理不善者应坐牢。这些邮件就在国务院。可蓬佩奥就是不能找出来。真的不好。实际上我为此对他不悦。 就是这样。他没能(把希拉里邮件弄出来),我不知道为什么。你蓬佩奥领导的都是国务院,把这些邮件找出来。

译者注:川普总统在电视上抨击国务卿蓬佩奥后两天,蓬佩奥让国务院把克林顿夫人做国务卿时未公开的3万5千多封邮件,包括川普总统说的机密和高度机密的邮件,全部公开。读者可以点击 阅读每一份邮件


1. Donald Trump Calls for AG Barr to Indict Joe Biden With 26 Days Until Election. 新闻周刊, 2020.10

2. 川普要求司法部逮捕起诉奥巴马和拜登的谈话视频. MSMBC, 2020.10