美国风俗 医疗健康 技术创新 社会创新


科学百姓 雨台 scitizen-editor@outlook.com 2020.10.10



  1. 网络空间威胁
  2. 外国影响活动
  3. 经济安全威胁
  4. 恐怖主义威胁
  5. 跨国犯罪组织威胁
  6. 非法移民
  7. 自然灾难


As Americans, we all have the right to believe whatever we want, but we don’t have a right to carry out acts of violence to further those beliefs. The Department works with other Government, non-Government, and private sector partners to prevent individuals from making this transition from protected speech to domestic terrorism reflected by violence. As Secretary, I am concerned about any form of violent extremism. . . . However, I am particularly concerned about white supremacist violent extremists who have been exceptionally lethal in their abhorrent, targeted attacks in recent years. . . . who seek to force ideological change in the United States through violence, death, and destruction.




The primary terrorist threat inside the United States will stem from lone offenders and small cells of individuals, including Domestic Violent Extremists (DVEs) and foreign terrorist-inspired Homegrown Violent Extremists7 (HVEs). Some U.S.-based violent extremists have capitalized on increased social and political tensions in 2020, which will drive an elevated threat environment at least through early 2021. Violent extremists will continue to target individuals or institutions that represent symbols of their grievances, as well as grievances based on political affiliation or perceived policy positions.


Among domestic violent extremists (DVEs), racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.


White supremacist extremists (WSEs) have demonstrated longstanding intent to target racial and religious minorities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, politicians, and those they believe promote multi-culturalism and globalization at the expense of the WSE identity. Since 2018, they have conducted more lethal attacks in the United States than any other DVE movement.

{白人至上主义极端分子} 长期以来一直执意于瞄准种族和宗教少数派、LGBTQ+ 族群成员、政治家、以及他们认为以牺牲 {白人至上主义极端分子} 身份为代价促进多元文化和全球化的人。自2018年以来,他们在美国发动的致命攻击比任何其他国内暴力极端运动都要多。

Other racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists could seek to exploit concerns about social injustice issues to incite violence and exploit otherwise peaceful protests movements.




1. Homeland Threat Assessment October 2020. 《2020年国土安全威胁评估报告》. 国土安全部, 2020.10