姜涛同学回答:美国有一个协调全国所有情报机构的 “国家情报总长办公室(Office of the Director of National Intelligence),其《反恐指南》里有这段关于暗杀和恐怖主义的阐述:
”暗杀是几乎所有恐怖组织都会使用的一种手段,尽管其使用频率远低于其他类型的武装袭击。暗杀作为一种恐怖手段,指的是针对国家政府官员,或针对代表政治、经济、军事、安全、社会、宗教、媒体或文化体制的个人进行的杀戮。这类杀戮可能出于意识形态、宗教、政治或民族主义的动机。大多数恐怖组织进行暗杀是为了消灭敌人、恐吓对方民众、阻止合作、影响舆论、降低对方政府效力、引起媒体关注,或者就是为了报复。Assassination is a tactic used by nearly all terrorist groups, although far less frequently than other types of armed attacks. Assassination, when used as a terrorist tactic, is the targeted killing of a country’s public officials or individuals who represent the political, economic, military, security, social, religious, media, or cultural establishments. The killings can be motivated by ideology, religion, politics, or nationalism. Most terrorist groups conduct assassinations to eliminate enemies, intimidate the population, discourage cooperation, influence public opinion, decrease government effectiveness, gain media attention, or simply to exact revenge.“
1. 对人身有危险或对重要基础设施和资源有潜在破坏性的行为,并且违反国家法律;
2. 旨在恐吓胁迫民众;或用恐吓胁迫来影响政府政策;或用破坏设施、暗杀、绑架来影响政府的作为。