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雨台笔记 scitizen-editor@outlook.com 2024.2.14


宣言明确表示,被解放地区的新政府的形式将由当地民众决定,而不是由签署该宣言的英法两国强加给当地民众。 该声明旨在消除阿拉伯国家对欧洲殖民主义或帝国主义野心的怀疑。







The goal envisaged by France and Great Britain in prosecuting in the East the war set in train by German ambition is the complete and final liberation of the peoples who have for so long been oppressed by the Turks, and the setting up of national governments and ad-ministrations that shall derive their authority from the free exercise of the initiative and choice of the indigenous populations.


In pursuit of those intentions, France and Great Britain agree to further and assist in the setting up of indigenous governments and ad-ministrations in Syria and Mesopotamia, which have already been liberated by the Allies, as well as in those territories which they have been endeavouring to liberate, and to recognize them as soon as they are actually set up.

法国和英国绝不期望将这种或那种制度强加给这些地区的人民,他们唯一关心的是提供支持和有效的帮助,以确保这些地区的人民依据自由意志选举的政府和行政部门的顺利运作;确保所有人获得公正和平等的正义; 通过支持和鼓励地方主动性来促进国家的经济发展; 促进教育的传播; 并结束土耳其政策长期以来所利用的地方争端。 这就是两个同盟国希望在被解放的领土上实施的任务。

Far from wishing to impose this or that system upon the populations of those regions, their [i.e., France's and Great Britain's] only concern is to offer such support and efficacious help as will ensure the smooth working of the governments and administrations which those populations will have elected of their own free will to have; to secure impartial and equal justice for all; to facilitate the economic development of the country by promoting and encouraging local initiative; to foster the spread of education; and to put an end to the dissensions which Turkish policy has for so long exploited. Such is the task which the two Allied Powers wish to under-take in the liberated territories."


Zara S. Steiner, The lights that failed: European international history, 1919-1933, Part 720, Oxford history of modern Europe, Oxford University Press, 2005 p. 104

Bruce Westrate, The Arab Bureau: British Policy in the Middle East 1916 - 1920, Penn State Press, 1988, p. 167