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资料 | 美国战略竞争法136条-资助独立媒体应对宣传

科学百姓 雨台 scitizen-editor@outlook.com 2021.4.24



科学百姓选译该法案一些条款,供研究人员检视。有意讨论的读者,请加 FriendNum9 微信号 进入费城独立厅微信群。

美国2021年战略竞争法第136条:支持独立媒体和应对虚假信息 Strategic Competition Act of 2021 SEC 136. SUPPORTING INDEPENDENT MEDIA AND COUNTERING DISINFORMATION.

(a)研究发现——国会确认以下发现 Findings.—Congress makes the following findings::

(1)中国正在增加在公共外交方面的支出,包括制造影响力的运动、广告、以及在境外对中国国家资助的媒体出版物的投资。例如,其中包括超过100亿美元的对外直接投资,用于购置通信基础设施、平台、和媒体资产,以及将记者带到中国接受培训。China is increasing its spending on public diplomacy including influence campaigns, advertising, and investments into state-sponsored media publications outside of China. These include, for example, more than $10,000,000,000 in foreign direct investment in communications infrastructure, platforms, and properties, as well as bringing journalists to China for training programs.

(2)中华人民共和国通过中国之声、统战部以及统战部的许多分支机构和代理,可以不受限制地使用针对中国其他地区公民的多种语言的广播、电视、和数字传播平台,在其关注的地区促进公众对中国共产党的支持,并扩大其误导性的叙事宣传的范围。The PRC, through the Voice of China, the United Front Work Department, and UFWD’s many affiliates and proxies, has obtained unfettered access to radio, television, and digital dissemination platforms in numerous languages targeted at citizens in other regions where China has an interest in promoting public sentiment in support of the Chinese Communist Party and expanding the reach of its misleading narratives and propaganda.


Even in Western countries, China spends extensively on influence operations, such as a $500,000,000 advertising campaign to attract cable viewers in Australia and a more than $20,000,000 campaign to influence United States public opinion via the China Daily newspaper supplement.

(b)美国全球媒体署,及其附属的联邦政府和非联邦政府实体单位应采取以下行动,以支持独立新闻业应对虚假信息,在不法行为者正在倡导虚假信息、宣传、和操纵媒体市场的国家,打破防火墙和反制新闻监控 The United States Agency For Global Media.—The United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) and affiliate Federal and non-Federal entities shall undertake the following actions to support independent journalism, countering disinformation, and breaking the firewall and combatting surveillance in countries where the Chinese Communist Party and other malign actors are promoting disinformation, propaganda, and manipulated media markets:

(1)亚洲自由电台将扩大其所有节目和其他附属语言广播服务的国内事务报道范围和数字节目。Radio Free Asia shall expand domestic coverage and digital programming for all RFA China services and other affiliate language broadcasting services.

(2)美国全球媒体署将增加对亚洲自由电台的普通话、藏语、维吾尔语、粤语服务的资金。USAGM shall increase funding for Radio Free Asia’s Mandarin, Tibetan, Uyghur, and Cantonese language services.

(3)美国之音应建立实时的虚假信息检视工具,类似于 “测谎网” 对俄语宣传和虚假信息的做法。Voice of America shall establish a real-time disinformation tracking tool similar to Polygraph for Russian language propaganda and misinformation.

(4)美国全球媒体署应扩大现有的培训和合作计划,提升新闻标准、调查性报道、网络安全、和数字分析,以帮助揭露和反制虚假的叙事。USAGM shall expand existing training and partnership programs that promote journalistic standards, investigative reporting, cybersecurity, and digital analytics to help expose and counter false CCP narratives.

(5)开放技术基金将继续扩大工作范围,支持可以绕开中国以及中国出口的新闻审查技术在国外的审查和监视,并提升点对点的通讯安全和隐私保护工具。The Open Technology Fund shall continue and expand work to support tools and technology to circumvent censorship and surveillance by the CCP, both inside China as well as abroad where China has exported censorship technology, and increase secure peer to peer connectivity and privacy tools.

(c)拨款授权-美国全球媒体署有权在2022年至2026年的每个财政年度拨款1亿美元,用于正在进行的和新的计划,以支持当地媒体,建设独立媒体,抵御中国国内外的虚假信息。投资技术来颠覆审查制度,并监督和评估这些计划。Authorization Of Appropriations.—There is authorized to be appropriated, for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 for the United States Agency for Global Media, $100,000,000 for ongoing and new programs to support local media, build independent media, combat Chinese disinformation inside and outside of China, invest in technology to subvert censorship, and monitor and evaluate these programs.

(d)支持当地媒体。国务卿应交由负责民主、人权和劳工的助理国务卿,并与美国国际开发署署长协作,为新闻记者提供需要的调查技术的支持和培训,在中国的 “一带一路” 的举措、中国的新闻监查技术和数字输出技术、以及由共产党或中国政府支持的其他影响国外的行动方面,确保公共问责制。Support For Local Media.—The Secretary of State, acting through the Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor and in coordination with the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, shall support and train journalists on investigative techniques necessary to ensure public accountability related to the Belt and Road Initiative, the PRC’s surveillance and digital export of technology, and other influence operations abroad direct or directly supported by the Communist Party or the Chinese government.

(e)互联网自由计划:民主,人权和劳工局应继续支持保障互联网自由的各项计划。Internet Freedom Programs.—The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor shall continue to support internet freedom programs.

(f)拨款授权-批准在2022年至2026财政年度每年拨款1.7亿美元用于正在进行的和新的计划,以支持新闻自由、新闻培训、和记者的保护。Authorization Of Appropriations.—There is authorized to be appropriated, for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026, $170,000,000 for ongoing and new programs in support of press freedom, training, and protection of journalists.


1. 2021美国战略竞争法. 美国参议院, 2021.04