美国风俗 医疗健康 技术创新 社会创新


科学百姓 华巍 scitizen-editor@outlook.com 2021.1.20

国民警卫局局长郝克森上将(Daniel R.Hokanson)资料照。国民警卫局局长相当于国民警卫队总司令,有45万军人。



霍夫曼(Jonathan Rath Hoffman),国防部长公共事务助理;

穆尔(Thomas Muir),国防部华盛顿总部服务局局长(译者注:国防部华盛顿总部服务局是一个4000人的单位,为国防部在首都华盛顿的各个单位提供采购、物业、机关、行政、信息技术、财务、人事等事务管理支持,也是国防部总统权力交接的牵头协调机构);

郝克森上将(Daniel R.Hokanson) ,国民警卫局局长(译者注:相当于45万人的国民警卫队总司令)。


国防部部长助理霍夫曼:好的,大家下午好。 感谢大家 -- 感谢你们今天来到这里,我们可以为你们提供一些关于明天(新总统就职典礼)将安排的活动的补充信息。

今天和我在一起的是华盛顿总部服务局穆尔局长,他也是国防部权力交接团队的牵头人。 还有就是国民警卫局局长郝克森上将。


下午好,我是郝克森上将。 我想感谢你给我这个机会来介绍你们的国民警卫队的陆军和空军人员。

Good afternoon. I'm General Dan Hokanson. I want to thank you for the opportunity to highlight your National Guard soldiers and airmen.


As I speak, more than 25,000 National Guard men and women from all 50 states, three territories, and the District of Columbia are here in support of the lead federal agency for the presidential inauguration.

我每天晚上都会去看望(国民警卫队的)男女队员们,他们理解这项任务的重要性。 他们训练有素,准备就绪,并自豪地尽自己的职责,以确保我们的第46任总司令的和平和安全的就职典礼。

I visit with these men and women every night, and they understand the importance of this mission. They're also proven, prepared and proud to do their part to ensure a peaceful and safe inauguration for our 46th commander in chief.


They are providing security, communications, logistics, and coordination support to local and federal law enforcement, and have met every request promptly and professionally.

纵观整个国民警卫队,我们今天有超过91,000人部署在岗,包括22,000人协助应对新冠病毒,16,000人部署在海外,以及超过6,000人在保护美国的30个州的关键基础设施和州议会大厦。 虽然9.1万人是一个很大的数字,但这还不到我们国民警卫队的20%的力量,所以如果有需要,我们还有额外的能力。

Looking across the entire National Guard, we have over 91,000 on duty today, to include 22,000 supporting COVID-19, 16,000 deployed overseas, and over 6,000 protecting key infrastructure and capitol buildings in 30 of our states. Although 91 is a lot -- 91,000, it's less than 20 percent of your National Guard, so we have additional capability if and when needed.


Upon completion of the inauguration, we will continue to support federal law enforcement as requested, and our service members will return home as soon as conditions permit.

关于对极端主义的言论(译者注:指的是1月18日通报的十二位国民警卫队队员因被发现有过往的极端主义言论和其它不当言行而被安排不参加此次首都警卫任务),请允许我明确指出:美国军队的任何部门都不会容忍极端主义。 如果有举报的问题,我们的领导将根据既定的部门政策,并与执法部门协调,立即处理。

With respect to comments about extremism, let me be clear: Extremism is not tolerated in any branch of the United States military. If there are reported issues, our leaders will address them immediately in accordance with established department policies, and in coordination with law enforcement.


With respect to the arming of the National Guard, the authority rests with the secretary of the Army and is based on their mission, close coordination with the support of law enforcement agency, and the chain of command, which is commanded by Major General William Walker of the D.C. National Guard.

如果没有我们各州的州长和他们的助理军事将领的支持,我们不可能在不到两周的时间里将25,000名陆军士兵和空军人员从各个州和地区调到华盛顿特区。 这充分反映了美国对国民警卫队的投资,还有最重要的因素,是我们警卫队队员的支持,以及他们从家庭和雇主那里得到的支持。(译者注:国民警卫队的绝大部分官兵是平时有自己的各行各业工作的平民,他们执行军事任务时需要向他们工作的雇主请假。)

Our ability to move 25,000 soldiers and airmen to D.C. from every state and territory in less than two weeks would not have been possible without the support of our governors and their adjutants general. It speaks volumes about America's investment in the National Guard, and, most importantly, the support of our service members and what they get from their family and their employers.


Also, the outpouring of support to our National Guard across the entire country and here in the District is a story in itself and I wanted to particularly thank the citizens of the District of Columbia.


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1. Senior DOD Officials Brief Reporters on Inauguration Activities. 国防部, 2021.01