科学百姓 2020.10.28
有意加入费城独立宫微信群,交流、审视美国社会的事实真相和观念的宾州居民读者,请加微信 FriendNum9宾州选举信息汇总:规则、志愿、以及举报
除了要选民决定宾夕法尼亚州选票上列举的政治候选人外,费城的选票还将要求市民对选票倡议事项选择回答 “是” 或 "否"。
以下是《费城问询报》(费城当地的精锐主流报纸 Philadelphia Inquirer)提供的对每项事务的解释。
問題1: 攔截和搜身
Voters are being asked whether they want to change Philadelphia law to ban “unconstitutional” stop-and-frisk policing. 选民被问及是否要修改费城法律,禁止警察 “违宪” 拦截和搜身。
If the ballot question passes, it wouldn’t entirely eliminate stop-and-frisk, which studies have shown is used disproportionately to stop people of color. Rather, the question specifies that officers must have a reasonable suspicion that individuals they stop are involved in criminal activity, and cannot stop someone based on “race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religious affiliation or expression, or other protected characteristic.” 如果选票上这个问题得到通过,并不会完全取消拦截式搜身。研究表明,拦截式搜身被过度用于拦截有色种族。这次投票将由选民来决定,是否要求警察必须在有参与犯罪活动的合理怀疑情况下才能拦截,而不能基于 "种族、民族、性别、性取向、宗教信仰、言论、或其它受保护的特征"就拦截某人。
We, the citizens of Philadelphia, call upon the Police Department to eliminate the practice of unconstitutional stop and frisk, consistent with judicial precedent, meaning an officer must have reasonable suspicion that a person is engaged in criminal activity in order to stop that person, and, therefore, an officer cannot stop someone unlawfully because of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religious affiliation or expression, or other protected characteristic. 我们,作为费城公民,呼吁警察局参照已有司法先例,取消违宪的拦截和搜身的做法,这意味着警察必须有合理的怀疑一个人正在从事犯罪活动,才可以拦截这个人。因此,警察不能依据种族、民族,性别、性取向、宗教信仰、言论表达、或其它受法律保护的特征而非法拦截某人。
The City’s Home Rule Charter is like the City’s constitution; it sets up the rules for City government. 本市的自治憲章就像本市的憲法一樣,设置本市政府的規則。
If you vote “Yes” on this ballot question, it means you want to change the City’s Charter so that it sets forth a statement that calls upon the Police Department to end the practice of unconstitutional stop and frisk. 如果你对这个投票问题投了 "是",就意味着你想修改本市的宪章,以便在宪章中增加一项陈述,要求警察局结束违宪的拦截和搜身的做法。
The statement would elaborate on the constitutional limitations on police stops. It would state that for a stop and frisk to be constitutional, an officer must have reasonable suspicion that the person stopped is engaged in criminal activity. It would also state that an officer cannot, under the law, stop someone because of that person’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religious affiliation or expression, or other protected characteristic. 這个陈述將詳細說明警察攔截的憲法限制。这个陈述将指出,要使拦截和搜身符合宪法规定,警官必须具备被拦截者从事犯罪活动的合理怀疑。它还将指出,根据法律,警官不能因为某人的种族、族裔、性别、性取向、宗教信仰、言论表达、或其它受保护的特征而拦截此人。
Voters are being asked whether Philadelphia should establish a victim advocate’s office, which would work with victims of crimes to ensure they know their rights and work with agencies like prosecutors and the police. A head victim advocate would be appointed by the mayor with approval from City Council. The state of Pennsylvania has its own Office of the Victim Advocate. This ballot question would create the city’s own version. 选民被问及费城是否应该设立受害者权益代表办公室,该办公室将与犯罪受害者合作,确保他们了解自己的权利,并与检察官和警察等机构合作。市长在得到市议会批准情况下,将任命一位受害者权益首席代表。宾夕法尼亚州已经有州的受害者权益代表办公室。這個投票事项將創建本市的受害者权益代表办公室。
Shall The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to create the Office of the Victim Advocate to advocate for crime victims and to work with victim-services providers to coordinate, plan, train, educate, and investigate issues relating to crime victims? 应该修改费城地方自治宪章,建立受害者权益代表办公室为犯罪受害者代言,并与受害者服务提供者合作,协调、计划、培训、教育、和调查与犯罪受害者有关的问题吗?
The City’s Home Rule Charter is like the City’s constitution; it sets up the rules for City government. 本市的自治憲章就像本市的憲法一樣,设置本市政府的規則。
If you vote “Yes” on this ballot question, it means you want to change the City’s Charter so that it establishes an Office of the Victim Advocate. 如果你对这个投票问题投了 "是",就意味着你想修改本市的宪章,以便設立受害者權益代表辦公室。
If the Office is created, it would be headed by the Victim Advocate, who would be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council. The responsibilities of the Office would include the following 如果設立該辦公室,將由受害者權益代表領導,他將由市長在市議會的参议和同意下任命。该办公室的职责将包括以下内容:
- Advocating for victims of crimes, as individuals and as a group 为犯罪受害者个人或受害者团体代言争取权益。
- Ensuring that crime victims know their rights 确保犯罪受害者了解他们的权利。
- Promoting cooperation among agencies that serve crime victims; and 促进为犯罪受害者服务的机构之间的合作;以及
- Providing training and support to agencies that interact with crime victims 向与犯罪受害者有关联的机构提供培训和支持。
Voters are being asked whether the city should create a new Citizens Police Oversight Commission. Such a body would replace the existing Police Advisory Commission, which has been criticized for lacking enough power to provide effective oversight. If the ballot question passes, City Council would establish the commission and determine its structures, budget, and power. 选民被问及该市是否应该成立一个新的公民警察督察委员会,来取代现有的警察咨询委员会。原有警察咨询委员会因缺乏足够的权力对警察进行有效监督而受到批评。如果投票通過,市議會將成立公民警察督察委员会,並決定其結構、預算和權力。
Shall The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to provide for the creation of a Citizens Police Oversight Commission, and to authorize City Council to determine the composition, powers and duties of the Commission? 应该修改费城自治宪章,规定成立一个公民警察督察委员会,并授权市议会决定委员会的组成,权力和职责吗?
The City’s Home Rule Charter is like the City’s constitution; it sets up the rules for City government. If you vote “Yes” on this ballot question, it means you want to change the Charter so that it creates a Citizens Police Oversight Commission. 本市的自治憲章就像本市的憲法一樣,设置本市政府的規則。如果您在此投票題目上投 "是",即表示您希望修改憲章,以建立一個公民警察督察委員會。
The City currently has an oversight body called the Police Advisory Commission, created by the Mayor, which the Mayor could eliminate. With this Charter change, the Citizens Police Oversight Commission would be a permanent part of City government. City Council would determine how members are selected for the Oversight Commission and would establish the Commission’s specific powers, consistent with its mission, which could be substantially broader than the advisory role of the Police Advisory Commission. 本市目前有一個由市長設立的監督機構「警察諮詢委員會」,市長可以取消該委員會。在修改憲章後,公民警察督察委員會將成為市政府的一個常設機構。市议会将决定如何挑选督察委员会的成员,并将根据其使命确定委员会的具体权力,可能比原有的警察咨询委员会的咨询作用要广泛得多。
The Commission’s mission would be to 该委员会的任务是:
- Evaluate and work to improve police officer conduct, including by improving investigations of alleged misconduct 评估并努力改善警官的行为,包括改进对不当行为指控的调查。
- Make clearer the officer disciplinary process and the process for submitting and considering citizen complaints of police misconduct使警官的惩戒程序以及提交和审议公民对警察不当行为的投诉的程序更加明确。
- Help hold the Police Department accountable for officers' actions; and帮助使警察部门对警官的行为负责;以及
- Improve communication between the Police Department and the community 改善警察局与社区之间的沟通。
Voters are being asked to vote for or against the city’s borrowing of $134 million. The funds would be spent on capital projects for transit, streets and sanitation, municipal buildings, parks, recreation and museums, and community development. 选民被要求对该市1.34亿美元的借款投赞成或反对票。這筆資金將用於運輸、街道和衛生、市政建築、公園、娛樂和博物館以及社區發展等方面的投资。
Should the City of Philadelphia borrow ONE HUNDRED THIRTYFOUR MILLION DOLLARS ($134,000,000.00) to be spent for and toward capital purposes as follows: Transit; Streets and Sanitation; Municipal Buildings; Parks, Recreation and Museums; and Economic and Community Development? 费城应该借贷134,000,000,000.00美元用于以下资本投入: 公交、街道和卫生、市政建筑、公园、娱乐和博物馆、以及经济和社区发展吗?
This ballot question, if approved by the voters, would authorize the City to borrow $134,000,000 for capital purposes, thereby increasing the City’s indebtedness by $134,000,000. Capital purposes means, generally, to make expenditures that will result in something of value with a useful life to the City of more than five years, for example, acquisitions of real estate, or construction of or improvements to buildings, property or streets. 这一选票上的事项,如果选民批准,将授权该市为资本用途借贷1.34亿美元,从而使该市的负债增加1.34亿美元。資本用途一般指的是,將產生對本市有用期超過五年的有價值的東西的支出,例如,購置房地產,或建造或改善建築物、资产或街道。
The money to be borrowed would be used by the City for five identified purposes, namely, Transit; Streets and Sanitation; Municipal Buildings; Parks, Recreation and Museums; and Economic and Community Development, all in specific amounts identified in Bill No. 200298 (approved June 26, 2020). City Council would have authority, by ordinance, to change the intended allocation by moving proceeds from one category to any of the other categories listed. 市政府借贷的资金将用于五个确定的用途,即公交;街道和卫生;’市政建筑;公园、娱乐和博物馆;经济和社区发展。这些具体金额在第200298号法案(2020年6月26日批准)中确定。市议会将有权通过法令改变原定的拨款,将某一类别的款项转到所列的任何其他类别。
1. Philadelphia’s 2020 ballot questions, explained. 费城问询报 Philadelphia Inquirer, 2020.12