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科学百姓 华巍 2020.8.10


纽约时报2020年8月7日刊登意见专栏文章,标题为 “现在共和党人何去何从(Where Do Republicans Go From Here?)?” 由加拿大出身的美国保守主义专栏作家 David Brooks 写作。


“The party looks brain-dead at every spot Trump touches. But off in the corners, there’s a lot of intellectual ferment. 在特朗普触及的每个领域,共和党都显示植物人脑死现象。 但在各个角落也洋溢着智识的发酵。” —— 作者

Jonathan V. Last thinks President Trump is here forever. Last, the editor of The Bulwark, a conservative site that’s been hostile to Trump, argues that if Trump loses in November, he’ll claim he was cheated out of the election. He’ll force other Republicans to back up his claim. He’ll get a TV show, hold rallies, be coy about running again in 2024. 美国记者和作家拉斯特认为,特朗普将是一个持久的存在。他是对特朗普持敌意的保守派网站《堡垒》的一名编辑,认为如果特朗普在2020年11月的选举落败,他会声称自己的落选是民主党选举舞弊造成,将迫使其他共和党人支持他的声言。他会搞一档电视节目,举行群众集会,他会对自己是否在2024年再次角逐总统职位的问题闪烁其词做腼腆状。

He’ll still be the center of everything Republican. Ambitious Republicans will have to lash themselves to the husk of the dying czar if they want to have any future in the party. The whole party will go Trump-crazed and brain-dead for another four years. 特朗普仍然会是所有共和党事务的核心。有野心的共和党人如果想在党内有任何前途,就必须把自己绑在这位垂死沙皇的躯壳上。在接下来的四年里,整个党会为特朗普风靡而处于脑死状态。

I salute Last for coming up with a post-2020 scenario even more pessimistic than my own! 我得向拉斯特敬礼,因为他绘制了一个比我自己的后2020(即总统选举)展望更悲观的情景!

My guess is that if Trump gets crushed in the election, millions of Republicans will decide they never liked that loser and jerk anyway. He’ll get relegated to whatever bargain basement they are using to hold Sarah Palin. But something will remain: Trumpism. 我自己的猜测是,如果特朗普在大选中被击垮,数以百万计的共和党人会言之凿凿,说他们压根就没喜欢过这个输家和混蛋。特朗普将被降格陈列到地下层的减价商品区,即他们用来安置萨拉·佩林(注:她曾为阿拉斯加州州长,在2008年成为美国总统选举共和党候选人约翰·麦肯的竞选搭档,最终失败)的地位。但有一样东西仍将持续存在:特朗普主义。

The basic Trump worldview — on immigration, trade, foreign policy, etc. — will shape the G.O.P. for decades, the way the basic Reagan worldview did for decades. A thousand smarter conservatives will be building a new party after 2020, but one that builds from the framework Trump established. 特朗普在移民、贸易、外交政策等方面的基本世界观,将在未来几十年里继续塑造共和党,就像里根的基本世界观在过去几十年的作用一样。1000名更聪明的保守派将在2020年后建立一个新的政党,但这个政党将基于特朗普确立的框架。

I think Trumpism will survive Trump because the history of the modern Republican Party is the history of paradigm shifts. 我认为特朗普主义会在没有特朗普之后存活下来,因为共和党的现代史就是一个范式变迁的历史。

If you came of age with conservative values and around Republican politics in the 1980s and 1990s, you lived within a certain Ronald Reagan-Margaret Thatcher paradigm. 如果你是在保守价值观的熏陶下成长,并且生活在上世纪80年代和90年代的共和党政治环境中,那么你就处在里根和撒切尔主导的模式里。

It was about limiting government, spreading democracy abroad, building dynamic free markets at home and cultivating people with vigorous virtues — people who are energetic, upright, entrepreneurial, independent-minded, loyal to friends and strong against foes. 里根和撒切尔的范式关注的是:限制政府,在国外传播民主,在国内建立有活力的自由市场,培育精神抖擞富于美德的人——即精力充沛、正直、有创业精神、思想独立、忠于朋友和强力对敌的人。


科学百姓的节译结束。全文的中文刊载于《加拿大和美国必读》的 “美媒:后特朗普时代共和党该何去何从?”,请用如下链接。


1. Where Do Republicans Go From Here?. 纽约时报, 2020.08

2. 美媒:后特朗普时代共和党该何去何从?. 加拿大和美国必读, 2020.08