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中情局阅览室 — 误导和大规模欺骗:以民主做包装

科学百姓 华巍 2020.8.6





这儿介绍的《隐蔽战线行动》杂志1983年春夏专刊,也是中央情报局阅览室收藏供公众阅读的文献,是对美国情报机构在新闻机构的默许甚至配合下,欺骗美国人民和世界人民的情况进行专题报道,标题是 “误导和大规模欺骗:以民主做包装”


Three years have passed since we last devoted an issue to the ties between the media and the intelligence complex. The need for such scrutiny now, we believe, is greater than ever, and this entire special issue deals with the subject. 自从我们上一次以专刊讨论媒体和情报组织之间的关系以来,已经过去了三年。我们认为,现在比以往任何时候都更需要对这种关系的审视,整个这一期刊物将聚焦这个问题。

As the U.S. government sinks deeper into an ideological morass, the watchdog role of the press becomes that much more important. Yet we see complacency rather than skepticism. 随着美国政府陷入更深的意识形态泥潭,媒体的监督作用变得更加重要。然而,我们看到的是媒体的自得,而不是应有的对政府的怀疑。

The country is being run by people who lie unashamedly;yet most of the media wag their tails and accept everything. 这个国家在由那些无耻撒谎的人来管理:然而大多数媒体都摇尾巴接受一切。

Cabinet officers who assert that Grenada is a threat to the national security of the United States should be laughed off the podium; senior military and CIA officials who fear an imminent invasion from the People's Republic of Mexico should be retired. Yet it seems that the administration can say almost anything and be taken seriously by a large segment of the Fourth Estate. 那些声称格林纳达威胁美国国家安全的内阁官员本该被嘲笑哄下讲台,担心墨西哥人民共和国即将入侵美国的高级军官和中情局官员应该被退休。但似乎行政当局几乎可以胡说八道,都被第四产业(即新闻媒体)的很大一部分人当真。

We do not demean the efforts of the excellent investigative journalists of both the print and electronic media, who have helped to expose some of the more outrageous abuses of this government, especially the illegal war against Nicaragua. 我们不贬低纸质媒体和电子媒体的优秀调查记者的努力,他们帮助揭露了政府的一些特别无耻的滥权,特别是对尼加拉瓜的非法战争。

Indeed it is amazing, considering the way the deck is stacked against them, that they can expose any thing. Truly, the administration holds almost all the cards. They can manipulate through selective background briefings and orchestrated leaks in a way that very few honest journalists can combat. 事实上,考虑到记者工作中的种种不利条件,他们仍然可以揭露任何不当行为,简直是神奇。当局的确掌握着几乎所有的牌。他们可以通过选择性的背景简报和精心策划的泄密来操纵,而这种操纵方式很少有诚实的记者能够与之抗衡。

Most people in the media have not spoken out. When the present government seems hellbent on pouring many millions into the coffers of every fascist dictator in the world, on arming and financing regimes responsible for torture, disappearances, and thousands of deaths, on flagrantly breaking both U.S. and international law as a matter of course, the media must be intensely critical, not insufferably fawning. 大多数媒体人还没能发声。当现任政府似乎执意要向世界上每一个法西斯独裁者的金库里倾注千百万美元,武装和资助本来应该为酷刑、失踪和成千上万死亡负责的政权,公然违反美国法和国际法时,媒体必须持剧烈批评态度,而不是令人作呕的逢迎。

When someone lies outrageously, you have to say so, whether the speaker is the President or a famous foreign correspondent. 当有人无耻撒谎时,你必须如实指出,不论此人是总统还是有名望的外国发言人。

Many journalists who accept every foolish bureaucratic utterance should know better; some, unfortunately, do know better. Some unwittingly spread administration disinformation, some create it. 许多盲从愚蠢官僚的言论的记者应该知情;不幸的是,有些人的确知情。他们有的无意中散布了当局的谣言,有的还制造了谣言。

In this special issue of CAIB, we study the complex problem of disinformation from a number of perspectives . 在这期《情报战线行动》专刊中,我们从多个视角来研究误导信息这一复杂问题。

We include a comprehensive historical overview by William Preston and Ellen Ray and several current examples. 我们刊登威廉·普雷斯顿和埃伦·雷的全面历史概述和几个当前的例子。

We are especially pleased to present the devastating analysis by Edward Herman and Frank Brodhead of the "plot" to kill the Pope, exposing in meticulous detail a major current disinformation operation. 我们特别欣慰地刊登爱德华·赫尔曼和弗兰克·布罗德赫德 对杀害教皇的 “阴谋” 的毁灭性的分析,详细揭露了当前的一次重大造谣行动。

We also review the new book by Georgie Anne Geyer, a leading disinformationist , and we dissect the media operation which the Reagan administration is mounting against Grenada. 我们还回顾了乔治·安妮·盖尔(Georgie Anne Geyer)的新书,她是一位主要的误导信息研究者,我们剖析里根政府对格林纳达采取的新闻信息行动。

We present, after a long absence from these pages, Philip Agee's detective work which led to the exposure of a CIA wolf in journalist's clothing. 有一段时间没在杂志发表文章的菲利普阿吉也有文章,他的侦探工作揭露了一个穿着记者衣裳的中情局特务狼。

And we conclude with news notes and Ken Lawrence's Sources and Methods column, all devoted to the media and intelligence operations. 最后,我们以一些新闻和罗伦斯的 “情报来源和方法” 专栏来结束,都是围绕着媒体和情报行动主题。

We hope that journalists are vigilant in rejecting the pressures to spread disinformation, we hope that our readers will be relentless in exposing it. 我们希望记者们保持警惕,抵制传播误导信息的压力时,我们希望我们的读者能够坚持不懈地辨识误导信息。




1. Disinformation and Mass Deception: Democracy as a Cover Story, in Covert Action Information Bulletin: The CIA and the Media. 误导和大规模欺骗:以民主做包装。. 中央情报局公共阅览室, 1983.06