美国风俗 医疗健康 技术创新 社会创新


科学百姓 2019.8.11



1. 林肯:95.03 第一名

2. 华盛顿:92.59

3. 富兰克林罗斯福:89.09

8. 奥巴马:71.13

9. 里根:64.25

13. 克林顿:64.25

43. 布坎南:15.09

44. 川普:12.34,最末名。


非党派研究机构(Quinnipiac University poll)2018年3月3-5日对1122名随机抽样的选民的意见调查,让他们评二战后最好的和最差的总统。


Ronald Reagan (28%)

Barack Obama (24%)

John F. Kennedy (tie) (10%)

Bill Clinton (tie) (10%)

Donald Trump (7%)

Dwight Eisenhower (4%)

Harry S Truman (tie) (3%)

Jimmy Carter (tie) (3%)

Lyndon B. Johnson (2%)

George H. W. Bush (tie) (1%)

Richard Nixon (tie) (1%)

George W. Bush (tie) (1%)

Gerald R. Ford (<1%)


Worst President since World War II:

Donald Trump (41%)

Barack Obama (21%)

Richard Nixon (10%)

Jimmy Carter (8%)

George W. Bush (6%)

Bill Clinton (4%)

Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) (2%)

Ronald Reagan (tie) (2%)

Gerald R. Ford (1%)

Harry S Truman (tie) (<1%)

Dwight Eisenhower (tie) (<1%)

John F. Kennedy (tie) (<1%)

George H. W. Bush (tie) (<1%)


1 Calvin Coolidge,26.1%/年

2 克林顿,15.2%/年

3 奥巴马,13.8%/年


9. 川普,10.2%/年


1. The Best and Worst Presidents (According to the Stock Market). 雅虎, 2019.02

2. Trump Is The Worst President, Expert Ranking Survey Reveals On Presidents' Day. 雅虎, 2018.02

3. United States presidential approval rating. 维基百科, .

4. Trump ranked as worst U.S. president according. Fox News, 2018.02